The Germantown Historical Society Sales Catalog
The Met: A History of the Metropolitan Branch of the B&O Railroad 72 page book, 43 illustrations, pictures of all the original station houses Updated and improved 2016————————————–$10.00
A History of Germantown, Maryland 256-page book with over 100 photos & maps ————————-$10.00
Germantown Then and Now, a pictorial history book——————$25.00
“Trails To Germantown” DVD 29-minute DVD video on the history of Germantown——————$10.00
Germantown Historic Sites Notecards pen & ink sketches of 8 different sites, w/ 8 envelopes —————$5.00
1860 Census and 1867 ex-Slave Census of Germantown ————-$5.00

Flour Sack or CornmealSack Logos of Liberty Mill please indicate small, medium, large or extra-large ———————$12.00
add 6% Maryland sales tax and $4.00 shipping and handling and mail to:
The Germantown Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Germantown, MD 20875
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