Strategic Plan

Germantown Historical Society

Museum of Banking and Local History Strategic Plan

 Stage 1 – Stabilizing the building

  1. New heating/cooling system – $7,000
    1. Installation COMPLETE
  2. Installing a dehumidifier in the basement COMPLETE
  3. Waterproofing the building – $50,000 COMPLETE
  4. Replace handicap ramp, landscape the area disturbed by the waterproofing – $10,000

Stage 2  – Design Museum

  1. Design Museum – $10,000 for professional consultant
    1. Decide on mission, logo, themes
    2. Items to carry out themes
      1. What we own
      2. What is needed
    3. How items to be displayed and interpreted
    4. Floor plan
    5. Exhibit equipment needed
  2. Research information needed for interpretation
  3. Decide on items needed for interpretation

Stage 3 – Interior rehabilitation $30,000

  1. Repair interior
    1. Fix/replace floor & joists & remove radiators
    2. Replace plaster
    3. Remove tiles from floor of vault
    4. Re-connect electricity to vault interior
    5. Repaint interior including vault

Stage 4 – Construct Museum displays$15,000

  1. Collect display items
  2. Acquire display equipment
  3. Write interpretations
  4. Create interpretive signs/panels & arrange items

Stage 4 – Exterior finishing $50,000

  1. Repair or replace missing bars on windows
  2. Painting

Stage 5 – Open Museum                                                                                           

  1. Decide on open hours & paid staff & volunteers needed
  2. Apply for grant for annual management & hire personnel needed